

Sunbreak Speech Therapy

“I feel like I have so many more tools in my toolbox of what to do, that I’ve been able to bring my husband on as my business manager. That was kind of an idea that we had and now it’s coming to fruition. I thought this is what this business will look like in three or four years’ time, in an ideal world. And we’re now only six months down the track, and he’s handed his notice in. My husband is going to be able to have more flexibility with his life and be able to be there with our family more.”

– Sarah Burgon, Speech-language Physiotherapist

Sarah’s Story…

Sarah is a speech-language pathologist with two clinics in Oregon, USA. Prior to joining the program, Sarah was working exceptionally hard in her business and trying to learn marketing along the way but she didn’t have the knowledge necessary to deliver it effectively. She was looking for the right person to guide her through it and felt Sian’s way of coaching really spoke to her.


The only reservation Sarah had before diving in was the financial and time investment. As a mother of three, in the middle of a pandemic and having to homeschool, Sarah wasn’t sure if she would be able to invest the time focusing on all the things she wanted to get out of the program. Sian reassured Sarah she could take it at the pace right for her, with the flexibility to pause whenever needed. While Sarah has already implemented a lot of the program content since completion, she appreciates being able to go back and access that information, as and when she wants to, as it is laid out so clearly.

Sarah’s motivation to join the program was that she had grown to a certain point where she had several employees, working part-time. She wanted to grow more but her staff could only give her a certain number of hours. Sarah felt like she needed to do more but wasn’t sure what to do. As a therapist, mum and wife, Sarah felt like she had tried everything she could think of and that she was missing something. Sarah loved the little things that Sian did to make implementing the new learning doable. The templates Sian supplied meant the process didn’t feel overwhelming. Sian gave Sarah the self-belief that she could do it and it was going to work.

Although marketing was the main focus, the program also taught Sarah many other valuable things about running a business that she didn’t previously know, such as: how to manage some of the situations that might come up with employees; how to do presentations; and tips on how to manage daily life, while growing a business.

Sarah’s big goal was to be able to have a second clinic that had as many referrals as her first clinic, then grow beyond this. She is now well on her way and feels like she has so many more tools in her toolbox and knows exactly what she needs to do. Sarah has been so successful that her husband has been able to leave his day job and join Sarah as her business manager. This was a dream they had that Sarah thought might be possible in three or four years’ time. Instead, Sarah made this come to fruition in just six months. Every month, her revenue has increased, owing to being able to grow a really good team using the program tools. Sarah has to keep hiring additional speech therapists to meet demand with the clients on her waiting list, which she recognises is a good problem to have!

The program also had additional positive benefits for Sarah’s family life. She now has a different view on time and feels able to delegate chores with less guilt. With her husband joining the business, he will also have more flexibility in his life so they will be able to spend more time together as a family. 

Sarah wishes she’d had access to the program eight years ago when she was originally starting out her first business and thinks that kind of support back then could mean she had multiple clinics by now. What surprised her most about the program was how easy and enjoyable it was to follow and implement. Nothing was too hard or too complicated. Sarah looked forward to the calls every week and made friends with other program members. Working with Sian significantly enhanced Sarah’s confidence, mentality and mindset. It was a great experience and continues to be; Sarah knows Sian genuinely cares about her succeeding in business and being happy with her home life balance too.

We can create a plan