

Stephani Lane

You really do get to make your own schedule, and you get more freedom in that regard. So it ends up being a lot more satisfying on a very personal level and fulfilling in that way. So it’s been great!

– Stephani Lane, Psychotherapist, New Brunswick, Canada

Stephani’s Story…

Stephani was in a full time government role when she joined Sian’s program. She had started her own practice but only had enough clients to fill one evening per week. Stephani knew she wanted to leave her job, but she felt “stricken with fear” about leaving the safety net of a steady income. She didn’t know how to build her client list and wanted help.By following Sian’s program, Stephani grew enough referrals to grow her practice to fill multiple days per week and she begun her transition from full time government work. By the eighth week into the program, Stephani had enough clients to leave her job and open her Practice full time.

These results were not immediate, but Stephani kept putting in the work, following the program week after week. She says for the first month it felt like she was putting in the work, but nothing was happening, and during this time, Sian’s guidance and motivation were key to keeping her on track. When results came in week 8 of the program, they came swiftly and she received a tsunami of referrals. This gave her confidence in the process, knowing that she now knew how to attract ‘ideal clients’ to her new practice. 

Stephani is now doing work she loves, full time in her own business. She feels a great sense of personal satisfaction and professional fulfillment. She recognises that she would not have gone about building her business the way she has if it wasn’t for Sian’s program. 

Working with Sian helped Stephani to identify and attract the type of clientele she wanted to work with, and to focus on servicing a niche that she felt expert in. This is an important element of her new business model as Stephani feels this approach is very client focused. By focusing on a specialty that she loves and is expert in, she is providing her clients with the expert help they need. This is a level of service that they could not get from a general psychotherapist. 

Sian’s program provided structure, accountability, and support both directly though the mentoring and through interaction with the other women doing the program. Stephani found that the step-by-step approach that she was given by Sian was easy to understand and to follow. So the program offered a valuable combination of a ‘recipe’ to follow, along with the emotional support and guidance to help her develop a mindset for success. 

Stephani has been able to build a business that provides her with personal and professional satisfaction, financial safety, and fits her own schedule. She is enjoying the freedom of developing her own successful Practice and feels that she now has the tools to navigate being a business owner into the future. 

We can create a plan