Carla Askey and Susan Danker

Carla Askey and Susan Danker


Carla Askey and Susan Danker

“Do it! No reservations. It made such an impact on both of us within such a short period of time. As soon as we implemented everything you told us to do, it was a turnaround within our business, our culture, the finances. We got work-life balance.” 

– Carla Askey, Speech Language Pathologist, Virginia and Washington

Carla and Susan’s Story…

Susan and Carla ran a highly successful practice they had built up over 20 years. With three offices, 17 therapists, and over $1 million annual turnover, their business was successful – but it was taking almost all their time. Both Susan and Carla had full client caseloads and their evenings and weekends were spent doing administration for the business.Susan and Carla knew they needed to step back and take some time for their families. The income was great, but the cost was that they were tired and had no time for life outside of work. 

Susan and Carla had tried finding a business coach for years before meeting Sian, but none had seemed a good fit for their business. 

Over 12 months working with Sian, Susan and Carla reduced their working hours dramatically and achieved that work-life balance they were looking for. Following Sian’s advice, they also increased their revenue by another $400,000. They achieved this by reducing their hours as therapists, refocusing their time on strategically growing a new income stream based on their experience and knowledge, and developing the skills and roles of their team of therapists. 

When Susan and Carla started working with Sian, they knew they needed to change as they had little time for life outside of work, but they were reluctant to let go of their ‘therapist’ roles and had little confidence that their business could run properly unless they were giving it almost 24/7 attention. 

Sian worked with them over twelve months, convincing them to reduce the number of hours they were doing clinically and to refocus on building the business in a way that met their goal of finding work-life balance. 

Sian realised that Susan and Carla had accumulated a wealth of knowledge around helping children with dyslexia. They had been thinking about creating some sort of course to train other speech pathologists in this specialty but had not had the time to put the thought into action. Sian encouraged Susan and Carla to take time to build the course and provided input which helped them to scale the content into a profitable and manageable course structure, so that people could move from a basic course through to intermediate and advanced courses and an optional mentoring program.  

Another key area that Sian focused on with Susan and Carla was to build staff capability and team work, and to ensure new hires were the right fit for the business. Initially, Susan and Carla were skeptical that their business would run as well if they were not actually doing the work themselves. However, taking Sian’s advice, they promoted some staff into leadership positions and worked with their staff to develop team values and training on how to develop their caseloads to match their ideal clients. The results have been amazing, with the team closer than ever, happier, and everyone prepared to pitch in and help each other. The results have confirmed Susan and Carla could step away from much of the day-to-day detail of the business without a negative impact on their practice. 

Susan and Carla have completely restructured their days since beginning their work with Sian. Life is more manageable and enjoyable. They are happier in their business, their staff are happier, and they have achieved a work-life balance while increasing their revenue by 40%. 

We can create a plan

Lyndsey Townsend

Lyndsey Townsend


Lyndsey Townsend

If you only followed one thing from the Program your business would change. And it’s a Program that you don’t need to dedicate a huge amount of time to per week. I made those changes on 2 hours a week.”

– Lyndsey Townsend, Physiotherapist, Brisbane, Australia

Lyndsey’s Story…

Lyndsey’s 10th year anniversary sparked the realisation that she had not followed through on her desire to grow the Practice, so she joined Sian’s Mastermind Program to help her expand.


Lyndsey’s life was full – she was doing her Master’s degree, running her business and raising two children with her husband, so she could only devote two hours a week to the Program. During the 9 months she worked with the Mastermind Program, Lyndsey’s revenue jumped by 20%, despite government regulated shut downs to curb the spread of COVID.

When Lyndsey first joined the Program, she had just taken on two new staff members. However their books were not filled. Lyndsey found that online bookings were particularly difficult for one of the new staff members. People seemed to ‘skip’ him and choose a different therapist. Using Sian’s Program, Lyndsey worked with the new staff member to identify his ‘ideal client’ and then focused on determining how to reach the right people, and build the right relationships to fill his books. Over a period of four months, his client numbers had doubled and he was happy to be working with clients he enjoyed. Lyndsey found that he was motivated to see these clients as they matched his area of interest, so his patient-visit average improved overall. 

Concurrently, Lyndsey worked on attracting more clients into the practice with her other therapists. Overall, the Practice more than doubled their clients, and that was on a traditionally ‘quiet’ month. 

At this stage, space became an issue as treatment rooms became fully booked and it coincided that commercial space became available on the floor below their practice. Because their client numbers had changed so much within a short period of time, Lyndsey had the confidence to lease the extra space with the full support of her husband, who could see that financially, the space would pay for itself. 

Within 9 months, Lyndsey’s dream of expansion had taken place and she was only $3,000 off her 12 month financial target. She is now planning to expand the range of services her clinic offers.  

We can create a plan

Lyndsey Townsend

Why you need to be pulling rather than pushing


Why you need to be Pulling rather than Pushing

Pull Marketing to Attract Clients

– Sian Burton

Nobody likes to feel like they are being sold to, yet we all like to go buy …
go figure!

There is nothing worse than someone who only talks about themselves, their business and their expertise, whether it’s in person or in their marketing materials and messaging. It always feels like they are trying to PUSH their services on you and it can actually be quite repulsive.

Imagine if you could PULL prospective clients to you! Imagine picking up the phone and having someone on the other end of the line eager to use your services and become a client.

I’m sure some of you are laughing right now thinking this absurd, but this is exactly what happens in my business. Wouldn’t you like it to be the same in yours?

When you use PULL marketing in your materials you are able to attract clients to you that you have never met before. Of my entire client list, there is only one person that I knew prior to starting my business. Each and every one of my clients has been attracted to me, despite not knowing me, and has approached me to find out more about what I do and how it could help them.

So what is PULL marketing and how can you use it in your business?

Pull marketing is about creating connection with and hope in your prospective clients. It’s about empathising with them in a way that allows them to see you really care before showing yourself to be the bridge between where they are now and where they want to be. In doing so you PULL them towards you in a way that no amount of PUSH marketing ever will.

So let me ask you… Are you using PUSH or PULL marketing in your practice right now? Do you talk about yourself and your business or do you pull prospective clients to you by talking about their needs, problems and what they need most right now?

If this has been a revelation and you’d like to learn more about how I can help you to implement PULL marketing strategies to grow your practice fast, click the button below to book a free Strategy Session with me now.

We can create a plan

Lyndsey Townsend

Stefanie Richard


Stefanie Richard

“I think my biggest takeaway was on the mindset of things about money. It’s about investing in my business and actually getting to enjoy my business. Because what’s the point in having a successful business if you don’t get to enjoy anything from it, and you’re just go, go, go.”

– Stefanie Richard, Psychotherapist, Canada

Stefanie’s Story…

As a new business owner, Stefanie joined Sian’s program to help her to attract clients to her practice. She also wanted to reduce the panic and anxiety associated with the new business and grow it in a way that was calm and easy. She didn’t feel comfortable with the aggressive sales tactics that she had experienced in the sales world and really wanted to market herself differently.

Six months after joining Sian’s program, Stefanie has full books working with clients she likes. She has learned how to continue to grow her business into the future, but importantly Stefanie has realised that she can have a work/life balance and make space for other projects she wants to undertake.


Stefanie joined Sian’s Accelerator program when she had just started her business and she was very anxious about her future. Her business was only a few weeks old. Stefanie had a few clients per week, but no idea how she was going to get enough clients to make her own business financially viable. Participating in the Accelerator program allowed Stefanie to meet other people doing Sian’s programs and gave her confidence to enrol in the Mastermind Program.  

When Stefanie started working with Sian, she was seeing a few clients a week. These were not ‘ideal clients’ and they individually took up a lot of time as she was not familiar with their issues. Now, the majority of her practice is ‘ideal clients’ which match Stefanie’s expertise. There is no longer a lot of research time as her clients have similar issues. She has a full case-load and has attracted people that are similar, nice to work with, who pay their bills and do their homework! 

Stefanie’s work with Sian helped her to change her whole mindset about money and her business. Sian helped Stefanie to think strategically about her business both in the short and long term, how to grow her business once the books are full and what that might look like. Stefanie found this was an important difference that the Mastermind Program has over other programs out there – others were too small picture, just looking to fill the business next week, instead of looking at the long term, or how to grow the business further once your books were full. 

Shortly after joining the Mastermind Program, Stefanie fell seriously ill. While this compromised how well she could implement the program, Sian and Stefanie worked together to ensure she could grow her business during this challenging time and take a lot of days off to rest and get healthy. This setback helped demonstrate to Stefanie that it was possible to grow the business, yet still take personal time to rest. 

After six months working with Sian, and seeing the results despite her illness, Stefanie has realised that she doesn’t have to work 50-60 hours a week like she did previously. Instead, she can own a successful business working with clients she likes and also build in the time to do other projects she is passionate about – like running workshops or writing a book. 

Stefanie now has less stress and anxiety. She has been able to let go of worrying about the details, grown in confidence, and now enjoys her business. She feels confident that she has the tools to grow the business into the future while still allowing a good work/life balance. 

We can create a plan

Lyndsey Townsend

Stephani Lane


Stephani Lane

You really do get to make your own schedule, and you get more freedom in that regard. So it ends up being a lot more satisfying on a very personal level and fulfilling in that way. So it’s been great!

– Stephani Lane, Psychotherapist, New Brunswick, Canada

Stephani’s Story…

Stephani was in a full time government role when she joined Sian’s program. She had started her own practice but only had enough clients to fill one evening per week. Stephani knew she wanted to leave her job, but she felt “stricken with fear” about leaving the safety net of a steady income. She didn’t know how to build her client list and wanted help.By following Sian’s program, Stephani grew enough referrals to grow her practice to fill multiple days per week and she begun her transition from full time government work. By the eighth week into the program, Stephani had enough clients to leave her job and open her Practice full time.

These results were not immediate, but Stephani kept putting in the work, following the program week after week. She says for the first month it felt like she was putting in the work, but nothing was happening, and during this time, Sian’s guidance and motivation were key to keeping her on track. When results came in week 8 of the program, they came swiftly and she received a tsunami of referrals. This gave her confidence in the process, knowing that she now knew how to attract ‘ideal clients’ to her new practice. 

Stephani is now doing work she loves, full time in her own business. She feels a great sense of personal satisfaction and professional fulfillment. She recognises that she would not have gone about building her business the way she has if it wasn’t for Sian’s program. 

Working with Sian helped Stephani to identify and attract the type of clientele she wanted to work with, and to focus on servicing a niche that she felt expert in. This is an important element of her new business model as Stephani feels this approach is very client focused. By focusing on a specialty that she loves and is expert in, she is providing her clients with the expert help they need. This is a level of service that they could not get from a general psychotherapist. 

Sian’s program provided structure, accountability, and support both directly though the mentoring and through interaction with the other women doing the program. Stephani found that the step-by-step approach that she was given by Sian was easy to understand and to follow. So the program offered a valuable combination of a ‘recipe’ to follow, along with the emotional support and guidance to help her develop a mindset for success. 

Stephani has been able to build a business that provides her with personal and professional satisfaction, financial safety, and fits her own schedule. She is enjoying the freedom of developing her own successful Practice and feels that she now has the tools to navigate being a business owner into the future. 

We can create a plan