Nicole Dobranski

Nicole Dobranski


Nicole Dobranski

“I don’t think I would have had as clear of a vision without the program and I’ve been able to make new referral connections with that vision.  I was doing a lot of the things that I’m still doing, but it took me a level deeper to people I hadn’t thought to tap into.  I definitely think I learned more about the way to communicate about my practice”

– Nicole Dobranski, Speech Pathologist, New York

Nicole’s Story…

Nicole is the owner of a Speech Pathology practice in New York. Nicole felt her practice was doing well, but knew her marketing was not quite right. She had bigger plans for her business and, having already completed Sian’s Accelerator training, she felt Sian’s program could help her to make the dream become reality.Working with Sian for the past eight months, Nicole learned how to attract clients that are right for her business and for the therapists she employs. She has expanded her practice from one therapist to five, and already doubled her income to around $200,000 this year. She has developed a clear vision for her practice and taken steps to grow her practice to meet her needs: financially, as a clinician, and to take more time for herself personally.

When Nicole joined Sian’s program, she had just hired her first therapist to work in her private practice, but she was exhausted. Her practice was home-based, with clients geographically dispersed all around New York. She felt she had to take any client (for cashflow), but then found that there were times she would dread going there. Juggling a high clinical caseload and the administrative and marketing roles left her feeling like she was burning the candle at both ends. 

Nicole’s work with Sian helped her to identify her ‘ideal client’ and focus her energies on attracting that clientele. She also began recruiting therapists geographically, which has significantly cut her commuting time. Nicole now has 5 therapists working for her and has also developed a healthy referral network so she can refer business that is not her ideal client. This referral network has helped her to develop a ‘specialist’ reputation for her practice amongst other professionals. 

Nicole says an important part of her learning was rethinking her marketing approach. Before the Program she thought she was doing ok, but she learned that the way she was approaching people wasn’t doing the practice justice. Rethinking how she communicated her business to others was an important part of growing referrals to her business. Sian’s templates helped Nicole to follow a process that worked, building client confidence in her ability to help them. 

Nicole feels that working with Sian has helped her to grow confidence both as a clinician, and as a business owner. She has learnt new business skills, such as how to set her business rates, as well as skills around hiring and leading a team of therapists. She has also found the support offered through the group of like-minded clinicians working with Sian has been great to bounce ideas off. 

Having revenue from the other therapists has allowed Nicole to find her ‘sweet spot’ in terms of clinical hours and administrative hours. She is helping her therapists and finds this leadership role rewarding. 

Nicole has gone from around $100,000 per year to around $200,000 per year in the eight or nine months she has been working with Sian. She is proud of the practice she is building and learning every day. Nicole says that the program took less time than she thought it would, but it made her really focus on what she wanted her practice to be. Now, Nicole feels she has such clear vision. Her goals are clear and she has the tools to achieve these goals. 

Her advice to others thinking about the program: “I think if someone’s looking for structure, looking for ways to connect with other professionals, looking for ways to obtain referrals, and learn about how to really market their practice, I definitely would say don’t hold back, go for it!” 

We can create a plan

Nicole Dobranski

Nidhi Tandon


Nidhi Tandon

I feel like I’m a much better human being with my whole family. The difference is amazing! It gives me the balance that I need with my kids, it gives me the balance I need with my work. What I really love is knowing that I have access to the program, and anytime I want to, I can go in and ramp up.”

– Nidhi Tandon, Speech Language Pathologist, Virginia

Nidhi’s Story…

Nidhi’s work with Sian has changed her life profoundly. The Mastermind program not only gave her the tools to build a new successful business and doubled her income, it gave her new ways to think about her business and her life.

Nidhi has let go of old thinking patterns, has grown in confidence and feels she has a more authentic relationship with herself. Her business has been shaped to focus on a specialty area she loves, seeing the clients she wants, earning the income she wants, and allowing her time for her family.

When Nidhi first started working with Sian, she felt almost ready to give up and just join someone else’s practice. She had been in private practice for around seven years at that point, but that practice had never really become something she was completely happy with. Nidhi had recently moved towns and the thought of building up a new business, finding referrals, and generating a steady income was daunting. Nidhi’s mindset at that time was that she either had to go all out or quit. When she joined the program, Nidhi felt she would need to push things where everything would grow exponentially. 

As Nidhi started working with Sian, she realised there may be another way forward. A way of building a Practice which balanced her work with her family life. Through the mentoring process, Nidhi started to consider what she really wanted from her life in terms of income, work, hours of work, and her kids and this became the foundation for building her new Practice. 

Nidhi knew she wanted to specialise in her Practice but was concerned she would not be able to get enough clients to make it lucrative enough. Within four months of working with Sian, Nidhi had her books full of her dream clients – kids with language-based learning disabilities – that she loves working with.  

Sian helped Nidhi gain the confidence she needed to increase her rates and helped her work out the ideal frequency of seeing clients. Nidhi originally felt very nervous about increasing her rates, thinking her clients would leave, but following Sian’s advice paid off and, to her surprise, she did not lose clients.   

Nidhi’s revenue has now doubled, which means she has the financial freedom to grow the business the way she wants to, she is no longer driven by chasing income. 

Nidhi says she is much happier now. She feels she has the tools to expand the business by implementing strategies she has learned and increase profitability. But importantly, she feels in control of when this will happen, and the pace at which it will happen. She says she “loves the feeling of being comfortable with where I am, which is not where I was when I first started the program.” 

We can create a plan

Nicole Dobranski

Kerstin Andersen


Kerstin Anderson

“(The program) highlighted that we have more scope than we thought we did.  Previously when people asked me to do things, I would go “Oh no, I can’t do that”.  It was limiting. Now it’s “why not consider it?”

– Kerstin Anderson, Clinical and Counselling Psychologist, Perth, Australia

Kerstin’s Story…

For 16 years, Kerstin was a successful solo clinical and counselling psychologist in Perth, Western Australia. She wanted to expand her business but knew she needed help in the transition from ‘practitioner’ to ‘business owner’. Seeking tools and knowledge beyond her university degrees, Kerstin saw Sian’s course as an opportunity for personal and professional expansion. 


Kerstin’s goal was to work smarter, not harder, and expand her business. Kerstin felt it was time to change the way she conducted her practice. 

When she started working with Sian, Kerstin had just taken on two other professionals and was wondering how their books were going to be filled. She wanted to attract new clients in a ‘non salesy’ way and generate a successful income stream for each of her new contractors. 

Kerstin had previously joined Sian’s Accelerator program on Facebook and learnt alot. She felt Sian’s values and message were a good fit for her business so decided to join the mentoring program to get more specialised help.  

Kerstin committed an hour a week of her time to the mentoring, and she was determined to take the needed action. It was an investment, a chance to dig deep into her own personal journey and look at ways she could further grow the business.  

Working with Sian, Kerstin was able to build a successful model for employing others and growing a group practice. Sian then helped Kerstin to work with each of her consultants to build a steady stream of referrals which attracted their ideal clients, which means that her practice now has several speciality areas.  

It is rare for practice owners to care about the quality of clients they bring into the business for their consultants. So, the model that Kerstin is now implementing in her practice is highly beneficial to the clinicians she is employing. They too are learning how to build their caseload filled with dream clients, and generate their own referrals. This makes the practice overall happier and ultimately more profitable.  

From mentoring her own clinicians, and seeing the results in her own practice, Kerstin has built real confidence in the process. She now mentors other psychologists wanting to start or expand their practice.

We can create a plan

Nicole Dobranski

Chelsea Glover


Chelsea Glover Jordan

“[The Abundant Referrals ™ program] has been very lucrative for my business. I’ve honed in on my niche. Finding out ways to market myself, I can appeal to my ideal client which has created such a robust pool of people who are attracted to me and my practice”

– Chelsea Glover Jordan, Psychotherapist, Maryland

Chelsea’s Story…

Working full-time for someone else, Chelsea dreamed that her psychotherapist business would grow so she could quit her job and work exclusively in her own practice. Despite her strong desire to help people, Chelsea couldn’t break past the 10-clients a week ceiling she had created for herself without help.


This all changed when she began the Abundant Referrals program™ with Sian. Her business mindset developed, and Chelsea managed to calm the chaos and focus on growth. In just three months, Chelsea was able to quit her job and create a practice which soon became lucrative, and her income tripled.

One of the challenges Chelsea faced was to overhaul her way of thinking, as she was new to being a private practice owner. Like many other Clinician’s, prior to opening her own business, she was working in an unfulfilling job that provided a steady income and paid the bills. This job did not bring her the joy she felt when working with patients. 

Chelsea knew she needed change, but wasn’t sure how to get to the next level. 

Finding Sian on Facebook, she participated in Sian’s Accelerator course, which led to a huge mindset shift for Chelsea. As a self-proclaimed introvert, she found some of the marketing strategies Sian suggested challenging, however, she knew they were necessary for growth.  

With her new mindset in place, Chelsea followed the advice from Sian and ‘put herself out there’. This armed her with the confidence she needed to quit her job and invest in herself and her business. As a result, people are now listening to what she has to say, trusting her with their money and their mental and emotional health.  

This is how Chelsea went from 10 clients per week to full books, plus a waiting list, in three months. Even more, using Sian’s methods she has taken on additional therapists who are now in high demand as well with their own waiting lists. Financially, her income tripled from when she started and she has more than repaid the course investment. 

Most of all, Abundant Referrals™ helped Chelsea to live her passion, with clients she enjoys. Chelsea is already looking to increase her financial goals. The $10,000 per month target she originally set has already been reached! Chelsea has taken the experiences from working with Sian to help her own staff grow their businesses and by drawing on what Chelsea describes as lifelong lessons, business and personal enhancements, everyone in the team wins. 

We can create a plan

Nicole Dobranski

Christine Miroddi


Christine Miroddi

“I really appreciate that you made me become an expert in something because I was all over the place. You helped me narrow down what I should be doing with my life.”

– Christine Miroddi, Speech Pathologist, New York

Christine’s Story…

Christine runs a successful speech pathology practice based in New York. When she first joined the Mastermind Program, Christine could only commit 2 hours a week to work on the Program, as she was flat-out juggling a full-time job, a budding solo practice, and her family responsibilities.


Over 7 months working with Sian, Christine quit her full-time job, doubled her profit, and hired staff including admin support. These changes have made a huge difference to Christine’s family life, reducing her working hours from around 50-60 per week, to around 70 hours per month. She loves the flexibility of working in her own practice and the fact that her business is producing income even when she isn’t working every day.

When Christine first joined Sian’s Mastermind Program, her practice was a side business to supplement her full-time job. Working 50-60 hours each week a solo clinician with a young baby, Christine was exhausted and burnout. She wanted to be home more, have flexibility in her schedule, yet still earn a good income.  

Once she began to work with Sian, Christine quickly discovered how to introduce her passions into her Clinic, and develop a niche practice that would meet her financial and personal needs. As a result, Christine now has become a recognised expert in her field, doing something she loves. 

The money Christine invested in the Mastermind Program was quickly returned as her business grew into a viable long term income source. She has learned a lot about money, how to be a leader, to teach others and to be a good boss. In addition, she loves the interaction of likeminded practitioners she has access to in Sian’s programs, which is also very helpful to bounce ideas off.  

Christine has hit her goals more quickly than she thought she would and has already planned how the business will develop over the next twelve months to achieve even higher goals. 

Working with Sian helped Christine to reduce the number of hours she worked, while building a successful business that she loves and feels good about. Most importantly, her new business model is flexible and allows her to spend more time with her family, without compromising on profitability.  

We can create a plan