Ciaran Fox

Ciaran Fox


Ciaran Fox

“The amount of change that I made in eight or nine months of working with Sian has made a huge difference to my business, but also to our personal life. It has meant that I can comfortably go off on maternity leave and take four to six months off and feel comfortable and happy that the business will still be fine. And I’ll come back to it. And it’ll still be fine.”

– Ciaran Fox, Physiotherapist, Sydney, Australia

Ciaran’s Story…

Ciaran owns a physiotherapy practice in Sydney, Australia, and like many other private practice owners, her business was taking more than it was giving. While her physiotherapy skills were in high demand with a five to six week waiting list, the part time physiotherapists she employed had gaps in their booking calendars. 


In addition, Ciaran ran the administration for the business. It just never seemed to get any easier. She was wanting to try for her second child and was considering closing the business to relieve the stress of the situation. When she took leave previously, the business started to fail, so she had no confidence that she could safely take off time to have her second baby. Ciaran was at breaking point. She knew there must be a better way, and luckily, she discovered Sian’s program just at the right time. 

Unlike many other coaches and programs who told Ciaran that her business was not at the right stage for them to coach her, or that she just needed to reduce her appointments and increase prices, Sian understood exactly where her mindset was at. Sian was confident that it was possible for Ciaran to be a mum and a successful business owner. Ciaran knew she needed to make a change. If she didn’t, she would burn out and eventually just close the business, so she took the leap.  

Working with Sian, Ciaran achieved a 60% revenue increase in 10 months, despite Covid lockdowns. Ciaran put in place processes that made her business less reliant on her personally, freeing up time for her to grow the business and her family. She can now relax knowing her business will still run without her. Being able to be fully present at work, or fully present at home, has reduced the pressure and mental fatigue that was plaguing her daily.  

As a result of the Sian’s program, some of the changes Ciaran has made include empowering her staff to take on more responsibility and to incorporate roles they enjoy into their tasks and employing administrative staff as well as new therapists. What is more, the new Physiotherapists she has employed are bringing in their own referrals and attracting clients that are a good fit for the business. She has set up a marketing plan for the next nine months with her staff, knowing who they will reach out to, and how.  

Even better, the feeling of excitement has returned for Ciaran when she thinks about her business, and how things will grow and change in the future. She now has a business that is financially solid and family friendly. Success really can be without sacrifice. 

We can create a plan

Ciaran Fox

Tallulah Breslin


Harmonic Speech Therapy

“I didn’t have any systems set up for all the things that I did, but I didn’t necessarily know where there should be a system set up either. This program had a really big effect. I feel more confident about the work I’m doing now than I’ve ever done before.”

– Tallulah Breslin, Speech-Language Pathologist

Tallulah’s Story…

Tallulah is a speech-language pathologist who specialises in gender-affirming voice training. She worked in nursing homes up until the COVID pandemic, when Tallulah then decided to start her own private practice. On first setting up her business, Tallulah was seeing about five clients a week. Then Tallulah heard about Sian’s program and decided it was the right next step for her business development.


Prior to joining the program, Tallulah felt she had been floundering in terms of the clients she was working with. She knew her clients were happy and that when people reached out to her, they wanted to work with her. But Tallulah hadn’t figured out how to get her message out to more people. She felt like Sian had the answers that she needed and was really excited to be in a space where she had access to the kind of support she was looking for.

Before working with Sian, Tallulah didn’t have any systems set up for all her daily tasks and she didn’t really know what parts of her business should have a system implemented. Choosing her niche as gender voice transformation was a huge part of Tallulah then being able to run with developing her practice. She had spent weeks going back and forth on all the different services she could offer. The bigger the net of potential services to offer, the more holes Tallulah found in it. Once she started focusing on her niche, it enabled Tallulah to start putting her name out there in more places. Word quickly spread and more people started to know to reach out and ask for Tallulah’s help with their voices.

Since completing the program, Tallulah feels more confident about the work she’s doing, more so than she ever has before. It is fulfilling to Tallulah to see her clients making progress that has a positive, significant impact on their lives. Her business growth has been exponential, making it possible to bring on a part-time practice manager, and there’s potential to bring on additional therapists too. The program gave Tallulah the set skill to be headed in the right direction.

On a personal note, Tallulah now feels much happier too. The niche work she’s doing now, where she has the ability to make all of the changes she wants to and has a level of control over her business that would never have been possible to attain while still working in care homes.

Tallulah recommends this program to anyone with a business if they want to: grow and increase on the right trajectory to be able to have more clients; reach more people; figure out what their niche is; know how to manage everything to contain their business with streamlined processes; and save hours of time. An added bonus that is unique to working with Sian is that Sian is familiar with the skill set that people working in private practice need. What you will learn in this program is not a general marketing philosophy; it’s specifically tailored to those in private practice.

Tallulah’s biggest takeaway from working with Sian is that people need to know Tallulah’s business exists and how she can help them. She realised how crucial it is to consciously focus her energy on attracting new clients. She found her joy by doing the work she loves. For Tallulah, it’s not about money; it’s about joy. The money naturally comes from working in your zone of genius and client’s getting amazing results, then they tell people about their great experience. Businesses grows organically, as long as you’re putting a few steps in place to make it happen. Tallulah loved that rather than feel like she was advertising, it’s more like finding connections with other people who will be interested to know what she does, without ever feeling icky about it.

We can create a plan

Ciaran Fox

Suzanne Mondell Cook


Cappy’s House Counselling Services

“Within two weeks, I’d created a vision board, and I still have that up, and I’m still crossing things off. And that was a vision board for both professional and personal. It gets me excited because this is coming to fruition. I’m hosting a meet and greet in a couple of weeks from LinkedIn people and all of them are referrals. I wouldn’t have thought of using my LinkedIn for hosting these kinds of things, nor been comfortable with it to promote myself.”

– Suzanne Mondell Cook, Cappy’s House

Suzanne’s Story…

Suzanne is a licensed clinical social worker in San Diego, California. At the time of joining the program she was working on setting up her own private practice for people with trauma, anxiety, and depression. Suzanne also had a day job working as a clinical therapist at a facility for men. As her practice was just starting, it was based in a temporary location and she really wanted to get it off the ground.


When Suzanne heard about the program, she thought this would be a great way to create a solid foundation for her business. The program brought many positive outcomes, with one significant change being that Suzanne felt validated and that this was something she could achieve.

Once she realised that she didn’t need to be a PR genius to make her marketing work, she felt immense relief. Similarly, she was also relieved that she didn’t need to be pushy with sales; instead, Sian taught Suzanne different ways to sell that felt more comfortable and would be far more effective.The program offered a lot of camaraderie in the group, as well as many resources in different areas. Suzanne learned how to outsource so that she didn’t have to be a one-woman-roadshow and do everything herself. The program also gave her a totally new perspective about LinkedIn. Suzanne had been using LinkedIn for years and been a professional in her field for over 20 years, but it wasn’t until working with Sian, that she learned how to use LinkedIn most effectively.

Everything Sian taught Suzanne has been valuable to her and since completing the program, Suzanne has taken what she learnt and continued to build. People have been very impressed with what she’s put into practice. Suzanne now has her own permanent space to work from and she’s connected with a lot of different referral networks. As Suzanne is seeing clients on a regular basis, she is in a great position to be able to leave her day job way ahead of schedule.

Suzanne’s advice for anyone considering joining the program is not to listen to any negative thoughts that say it’s too much money. She believes in the principle of ‘the seed in the harvest’, where if you don’t put in, you’re not going to get out. She found it helpful that Sian indicated within a certain amount of time what the goal is to recuperate the cost of the program in increased revenue. Laying a solid foundation, and what Suzanne got out of the program significantly went beyond the initial investment to join. In addition to what Suzanne learnt, she found her fellow program members to be an amazing group of people she connected with. The whole experience has opened many doors for her. 

Within two weeks of working with Sian, Suzanne created a vision board for both her personal and professional life goals that she feels excited about. She is steadily crossing things off and is so pleased she invested in the program as it keeps on giving and giving.

We can create a plan

Ciaran Fox

Sheri Jennings


In Reach Speech-Language Therapy

“I went from just accepting whoever I could find, to now working with my dream clients. My practice went from just me working solo to now having six employees. We just met the target for the number of patients that I was looking for. Now I’m looking at more about tripling that number. I have three new therapists starting in my team this month.

– Sheri Jennings, Founder & Director of In Reach Speech-Language Therapy

Sheri’s Story…

Sheri is the founder and director of a speech and language therapy business based in Portland, Oregon (USA). Sheri chose Sians program as she was at the very beginning of her journey with her private practice. She needed a sense of connection and to understand what to do when starting such a huge venture. Sheri felt she didn’t know anything about marketing and was not a salesperson.

She wanted to get a new perspective regarding being a business owner so she could comprehend the different directions available to her. Prior to the program, Sheri was accepting any clients she could find and felt she was in a mental freeze, like she was begging instead of truly valuing herself and what she has to offer. The only reservation she had about joining the program was the financial aspect, as she wasn’t yet generating a lot of revenue herself.

However, she understood that the program could offer her something that would take her a really long time to only find tiny pieces of, and not even see the whole picture, had she continued going it alone.

The impact of the program has meant that Sheri went from working solo to hiring six employees. She has successfully met the target number of clients she was looking for and her next target is to triple that number.

One of the most valuable things Sheri gained from the program was figuring out who she is as a business owner and how to market to prospective employees. By understanding her mission and philosophy, Sheri was able to turn that into a cohesive idea that she could express online to someone looking for a job.

With Sians support, Sheri was able to identify where she had been self-sabotaging. The program gave Sheri more confidence, direction, purpose, and perspective. She got exactly what she needed and transitioned into the headspace where it felt like the light had been switched on to know which way to go.

In only six months, Sheri went from zero clients to 73 among the whole team. This enabled her to pare down her caseload substantially and reduce it to 11 visits a week, with her team covering the rest. Sheri also credits her husband supporting and encouraging her journey too. She enjoyed discussing the program topics with her husband. Since taking off a lot of the pressure Sheri was placing on herself to complete things, this has freed up more of her time to spend with her family.

Sheri has recommended the program to others in her industry who are building their own private practices. In her view, the marketing advice Sian gives is unbelievably helpful as it comes from a place of mastery that Sheri thinks would be difficult to get to, if not impossible, as a speech therapist going it alone.

What Sheri experienced in the program went well beyond marketing. It included a lot of soul searching, non-judgmental support, where it was safe to share what she was struggling with, and problem-solve to overcome significant barriers and challenges she was facing. It was enjoyable for Sheri to observe the journeys of the other private practice owners that were in the group, seeing them morph into feeling more confident with doing certain things, and shifting their perspective to a place that honoured what they were looking to accomplish.

Sheris biggest takeaway since completing the program was to be gentle with herself and that she doesnt need to push herself to her full capacity all of the time. Understanding how to find her ideal client and how to navigate LinkedIn to make contacts were particularly helpful. Sheri appreciated the clarity Sian provided, describing Sian as unapologetically wise, as she views what’s happening objectively but with a real sense of compassion. Sheri felt Sian genuinely cared about her and what she was doing. Sians support, together with having access to the program materials afterwards, was invaluable to Sheri.

We can create a plan

Ciaran Fox

Sarah Burgon


Sunbreak Speech Therapy

“I feel like I have so many more tools in my toolbox of what to do, that I’ve been able to bring my husband on as my business manager. That was kind of an idea that we had and now it’s coming to fruition. I thought this is what this business will look like in three or four years’ time, in an ideal world. And we’re now only six months down the track, and he’s handed his notice in. My husband is going to be able to have more flexibility with his life and be able to be there with our family more.”

– Sarah Burgon, Speech-language Physiotherapist

Sarah’s Story…

Sarah is a speech-language pathologist with two clinics in Oregon, USA. Prior to joining the program, Sarah was working exceptionally hard in her business and trying to learn marketing along the way but she didn’t have the knowledge necessary to deliver it effectively. She was looking for the right person to guide her through it and felt Sian’s way of coaching really spoke to her.


The only reservation Sarah had before diving in was the financial and time investment. As a mother of three, in the middle of a pandemic and having to homeschool, Sarah wasn’t sure if she would be able to invest the time focusing on all the things she wanted to get out of the program. Sian reassured Sarah she could take it at the pace right for her, with the flexibility to pause whenever needed. While Sarah has already implemented a lot of the program content since completion, she appreciates being able to go back and access that information, as and when she wants to, as it is laid out so clearly.

Sarah’s motivation to join the program was that she had grown to a certain point where she had several employees, working part-time. She wanted to grow more but her staff could only give her a certain number of hours. Sarah felt like she needed to do more but wasn’t sure what to do. As a therapist, mum and wife, Sarah felt like she had tried everything she could think of and that she was missing something. Sarah loved the little things that Sian did to make implementing the new learning doable. The templates Sian supplied meant the process didn’t feel overwhelming. Sian gave Sarah the self-belief that she could do it and it was going to work.

Although marketing was the main focus, the program also taught Sarah many other valuable things about running a business that she didn’t previously know, such as: how to manage some of the situations that might come up with employees; how to do presentations; and tips on how to manage daily life, while growing a business.

Sarah’s big goal was to be able to have a second clinic that had as many referrals as her first clinic, then grow beyond this. She is now well on her way and feels like she has so many more tools in her toolbox and knows exactly what she needs to do. Sarah has been so successful that her husband has been able to leave his day job and join Sarah as her business manager. This was a dream they had that Sarah thought might be possible in three or four years’ time. Instead, Sarah made this come to fruition in just six months. Every month, her revenue has increased, owing to being able to grow a really good team using the program tools. Sarah has to keep hiring additional speech therapists to meet demand with the clients on her waiting list, which she recognises is a good problem to have!

The program also had additional positive benefits for Sarah’s family life. She now has a different view on time and feels able to delegate chores with less guilt. With her husband joining the business, he will also have more flexibility in his life so they will be able to spend more time together as a family. 

Sarah wishes she’d had access to the program eight years ago when she was originally starting out her first business and thinks that kind of support back then could mean she had multiple clinics by now. What surprised her most about the program was how easy and enjoyable it was to follow and implement. Nothing was too hard or too complicated. Sarah looked forward to the calls every week and made friends with other program members. Working with Sian significantly enhanced Sarah’s confidence, mentality and mindset. It was a great experience and continues to be; Sarah knows Sian genuinely cares about her succeeding in business and being happy with her home life balance too.

We can create a plan