Sandra Jefferies

Sandra Jefferies


Sandra Jefferies

“I’ve seriously pushed myself out of my comfort zone and I am organising my first event. I’ve been a private practitioner for 23 years and I’ve never done an event. I wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for this program.

Even my partner commented how far I’ve come even in just the last three months…I feel confident in what I’m talking about. There’s definitely a visible change.”

– Sandra Jefferies, Physiotherapist

Sandra’s Story…

Sandra had been running her private physio practice for 23 years. She was keen to make positive changes to refresh her practice and attract new clients. In the 12 months prior to joining the program, Sandra felt her busines was stale. Everything felt old and it was time to revamp and refresh herself and her business. The other physio in Sandra’s practice wasn’t fully booked each week and her previous marketing attempts all had the wrong focus.


One thing Sandra really wanted to get out of this program was for her other physio to be busy. It worked and he is now fully booked every single day.

Sandra would say to anyone considering joining the program to absolutely do it. It was a very safe environment with no pressure. For any of the new concepts she didn’t get straight away, Sandra didn’t need to worry because they clicked further into the program. Sandra successfully completed the program, while still working full-time, without feeling stressed.

 Something that Sandra loved about the program, and didn’t expect to, was the non-judgemental support of the group. She enjoyed being able to talk to the other women, listen to what they were saying, and feel that it really resonated with her too.

The biggest takeaway for Sandra was ‘don’t be scared to be out there’. Before joining, Sandra had been hesitant to market her business, worrying about what other people might think and if she was doing it right. She had no idea where to even start and every time she tried to do some marketing; she had been placing focus on herself rather than what her clients required. Sian taught Sandra how to shift her focus onto the client and to really start thinking about their needs. Since thinking about marketing from this new perspective, it has transformed how she writes Facebook posts, emails and job adverts.

The program enabled Sandra to push herself out of her comfort zone and embrace organising her first event. She has been putting herself out there and embracing the networking component of business, using the system Sian taught her.

Sandra didn’t expect to get so much clarity in the types of processes she could put in place to make running her business far easier and more efficient. She experienced a sudden lightbulb moment part-way into the program, where what she was learning connected in a way that enhanced her confidence. She was delighted that this shift within is something that was noticed and remarked on by others. Her partner commented how far she had come even in just three months, noting a visible change in the way that Sandra speaks with confidence now.

We can create a plan

Sandra Jefferies

Maddison Findlay


Yarra Ranges Physiotherapy

“Before the program, my business was doing okay, it wasn’t like it was terrible, but it was just kind of plodding along. There was nothing new happening and I could tell that we were kind of losing that spark. Working with Sian was awesome and I got a clear vision of what my clinic needs to be and where I want my clinic to go. 

I felt like everything Sian was talking about resonated with me. The fact that she’s a woman in business with young kids, and that she knew where I was coming from, and what I’m trying to juggle.”

– Maddison Findlay, Physiotherapist

Maddison’s Story…

Maddison was drawn to working with Sian because in their first interaction, Maddison resonated with everything Sian was saying. The fact that Sian is a successful woman in business with young kids gave Maddison confidence that Sian would know exactly where Maddison was coming from, the kind of demands mums are trying to juggle daily, and that Sian fully understands Maddison’s niche.


Maddison found the program to be easy to work around all of her other commitments. Everything the program covered was both relevant and easy to implement. Maddison never felt like Sian was pushing her to do too much. Instead, Sian was sensitive to Maddison’s needs and regularly checking in to ask Maddison how much she could manage each week and encouraging Maddison to take it at her own pace.

In the 15 weeks that Maddison worked with Sian, Maddison’s business has significantly grown. Her personal revenue almost doubled and the clinic’s revenue increased by around 80% in just one month. Sian taught Maddison that it’s not about doubling the size of your clinic; it’s about you making more money.

For anyone thinking of joining the program, Maddison can’t recommend it enough. In fact, she urges people to sign up right now! Maddison admits that she was a little hesitant to start because she wasn’t sure she would have the time to commit to it or if she could afford it but everything worked out so well and she is so glad that she did it. Even with the stresses of COVID, having her children at home instead of at school, on top of a number of other daily responsibilities to deal with, Maddison found the program elements far easier to implement than she had anticipated they would be before joining.

Maddison’s favourite thing about working with Sian was that she regained confidence in herself. Since becoming a mum, Maddison had put her business on the back burner to ensure her children were her main priority. The program gave Maddison the boost she needed to ignite her business drive again, and the self-belief that she could actually do this with two kids. Maddison realised she could be a great businesswoman and was able to create a clear vision of what her clinic could be and where she wants to take it to. Before the program, Maddison was doing okay but felt she was just plodding along; nothing new was happening and she felt she was losing her spark. Sian changed Maddison’s future, giving Maddison the drive she needed to take her business to the next level.

We can create a plan

Sandra Jefferies

Loretta O’Sullivan


Twelve9teen Sports Physiotherapy

“My marketing now feels more caring, genuine and authentic and my clients will feel that too. It’s very different from other sorts of marketing things that I’ve looked at or come across on my social media feeds. This felt so much more client-centered and in line with my values as a healthcare professional.”

– Loretta O’Sullivan, Specialist Sports Physio

Loretta’s Story…

Loretta is a specialist sports physio who specifically works with teenagers. Over the last 5 years, she’s had a daughter, moved clinics, and at some point along the way, she felt she lost focus on her business. When Loretta originally started her business, she had just completed her doctorate focused on engaging teenagers in terms of compliance with their treatment. COVID meant that Loretta wasn’t seeing any patients for school sports injuries, as there wasn’t any sport being played. Her clinic was very quiet, creating the perfect opportunity to refocus.


In completing Sian’s program, Loretta was able to redirect her business, looking more at the human side of clients’ needs to better understand her clients again, reconnecting with their hearts and minds, on a personal and emotional level.

Sian’s client-centered approach made so much sense to Loretta and enabled her to have a marketing plan that got things back into place, so that she can confidently move forward.

Even with the responsibilities of being a mum, running a home and a clinic, Loretta found the program manageable to work through. She learnt that it’s not just about getting more clients in the door; it’s about having the ones you work with stay longer because they feel more connected to your brand and the work you’re doing with them. Loretta understands that her brand is not just what people see on her website or brochures; it’s the whole business. She now thinks of her brand resonating through everything that she does, including the way she speaks and interacts with her clients all of that is marketing in itself and the brand needs to be consistent all the way through. Loretta now has a system behind consistently generating referrals through word of mouth. She is making best use of in-person opportunities at weekend sports events, optimising her newsletter and social media content.

Loretta would strongly recommend anyone considering the program commits to doing it and has already encouraged fellow practitioners to sign up. It’s very different from other sorts of marketing Loretta has previously come across and in being so client-centered, it felt far more in line with her values as a healthcare professional. Prior to working with Sian, Loretta had thought that if you are a physio who is a business owner, the goal is for you to not work clinically, and to have more staff and systems in place. As a clinician with a doctorate and passion for her client work, Loretta didn’t do all of that intense training and studying to solely be a business owner; this was not the end goal she desired. Instead, she wants to keep being a clinician helping patients and doesn’t want to hire lots of staff.

During the program, Loretta realised she could shape her dream clinic goals in whatever way she wanted to and that if she wants to continue being hands-on with client treatments, she can do so. One physio’s dream case scenario for their business could look very different to other clinicians’ big picture goals and Sian’s coaching enabled Loretta to get really clear on what her personal end goal was.

We can create a plan

Sandra Jefferies

Kylie Bell


Health In Mind

“I did really appreciate the gentle persistence that Sian had, to say, “Come on, come on, you can do it!”. It was just the right combination of confidence in me, and not taking no for an answer. Sian encouraged me to do things that I probably would have delayed doing or procrastinated around doing.”

– Kylie Bell, Mental Health Social Worker

Kylie’s Story…

As a mental health social worker, Kylie provides counseling to people using the Better Access to Mental Healthcare initiative in Australia. When Kylie initially found Sian on Facebook, she felt a bit lost regarding how to get started and how to build a small business.


She loved social work and counseling people but hadn’t done any business or marketing-type courses in her tertiary studies, so she was keen to have help in these areas.After six months of Kylie consistently growing and engaging with her network, she had a steady stream of six new ideal client referrals a week.

Kylie also learned how to use LinkedIn far more effectively and connected with other Allied Health professionals that she never expected to converse with. Kylie appreciated Sian’s gentle persistence, encouraging Kylie to do things that Kylie would otherwise likely have delayed doing without this program.

Kylie has found it beneficial to have ongoing access to all of the materials long-term so that she can revisit them in the future and to get even more out of them. Kylie knows that each time she expands into a new level of her business and grows as a business owner, she can go over the materials to a new depth. She summarized this as the program paying for itself, over and over again. Since completing the program, Kylie has already returned to this valuable content to help structure her blog posts and newsletter more effectively.

Some of the techniques Kylie learnt in the program are now consistent practices embedded in her business that she uses all the time and Kylie would encourage others to join the program, certain that it’s a good investment of time and money to get a broad coverage of a number of different marketing strategies. She also enjoyed the group aspect, hearing what other business owners in different countries and other states and were doing as there was always something useful to learn through that exchange.

We can create a plan

Sandra Jefferies

Kristen Leigh


Speech Waves

“It was life-changing for my business and to double my profit in less than six months is amazing. I never probably would have been able to do that if I hadn’t taken the course and used Sian’s steps to get where I needed to be and I will continue to use those steps when I hire others.”

– Kristen Leigh Downey, Speech-language Pathologist

Kristen’s Story…

Kristen is a speech-language pathologist with her own private clinic in North Carolina, USA. At the time of engaging with Sian for the first time, Kristen’s practice was approximately half-full and she wanted to start on the functional portion of her practice. The kind of clients she had were not her ideal clients. Kristen had to educate herself in how to get her name out there to get referrals and after trying Google Ads, she decided to sign up for Sian’s program to get more specific ideas about how to grow her business.


Since working with Sian, Kristen’s client capacity is now 70% full and this is with her ideal type of clients, doing the kind of work she really loves and finds most fulfilling. In terms of revenue, in only six months, Kristen’s made over double what she made as her entire annual revenue the previous year. In addition to increased revenue and knowing how to generate more referrals, Kristen also learnt how to expand her team to bring on more speech specialists. She took on a new staff member part-time who has a full client list and hired a second staff member for admin support too.

Kristen would recommend Sian’s program to anybody who is looking to either start their practice, expand it, or offer new services but doesn’t know how to market it or who referrals should come from. Kristen found Sian’s insights into gaining referrals was a particularly eye-opening part of the program that significantly contributed to her growth.

What surprised Kristen most about the program was how valuable she found it to listen to everybody else who was in the group and realise that everyone had the same struggles to overcome, despite being in different stages of business. The comradery built through sharing together weekly meant everyone was encouraging and supporting one another in their challenges, progress and achievements. Kristen now has a support network of likeminded professionals who have become personal friends on Facebook. Kristen found it really interesting to see how advice given to individuals in the group actually helped everyone. She also appreciated that she can refer back to the course materials whenever she has a question or needs to start implementing something else.

Kristen enjoyed how upbeat, cheerful and helpful Sian was and misses the weekly group meetings since completing the program. Working with Sian has been life-changing, enhancing all aspects of Kristen’s business. Doubling her profit in less than six months was amazing, and Kristen believes she never would have been able to do that in such a short timeframe, if she hadn’t taken the course and applied Sian’s steps to do what was needed to progress. She will continue to use those steps with any new hires brought into her business.

Kristen is happy to have all the resources and understanding she needs to be able to keep growing her business. As soon the right person can be hired, Kristen now feels confident and excited that she knows exactly what to do to be able to fill their client load with ease, and other new hires as the business continues to expand. Future developments are now within reach, without Kristen needing to be concerned over how she is going to go about the marketing or growth strategy aspects.

We can create a plan