Charu Mahajan

Charu Mahajan


ProCure Physio

“I feel like I save a lot of energy and when I’m spending time with my ideal clients. I feel happier because they do what I asked them to do and end up seeing the results. I’ve got confident even engaging with the doctors and specialists and everyone else. And how I interact is different. It has changed something in me. It’s not just the business part, you also learn more about yourself and you know that you can handle things in a better way.”

– Charu Mahajan, Physiotherapist

Charu’s Story…

Prior to joining the program, Charu was a physiotherapist working in multiple locations in different medical centres. Consequently, as a sole practitioner, she didn’t have much control over her working conditions.


Charu wanted to move into focusing on the business side of the practice, rather than solely being a clinician. In not knowing how to move forward, Sian’s program looked like the perfect solution to help Charu make this important business transition.

Charu’s dream vision was to create her own standalone practice but she was concerned by things like the expenses, such as renting or buying space and having to employ staff. These barriers were holding her back and Charu wanted a clear, in-depth idea of how a business model runs successfully.

The program gave Charu the confidence she needed to take the big steps necessary to progress and make her dream a reality. Having a plan and addressing one goal at a time helped Charu get to the stage where she has bought her own practice and she’s been able to implement everything Sian taught her, step by step.

Working with Sian also changed Charu’s perception of being a clinician or therapist. Charu overcame her guilt about what to be charging clients, embracing valuing herself and her skills far more, instead of undercharging for her service. Before fully implementing all of the strategies, Charu was already booked out and was able to hire a part-time Exercise Physiologist.

Charu viewed the program as having something for everyone, and for every level of her business journey. She liked the fact that she can keep going back to this program at every stage and reapply the key components again and again, as her business progresses. The program offered a wealth of material that went well beyond Charu’s expectations.

Charu’s biggest takeaways from the program were to: have confidence in herself; take a step by step approach to reach her goal; and not to hold herself back. Charu also overcame her lack of confidence with technology, opening up to the vision of a new way of creating her website and marketing. She now has a website she loves.

Being introduced to new wonderful people and working with female energy in a way that everyone can understand one another, was an additional element of the program that Charu valued. Working mothers could work around their family timings and there was no pressure – everyone understood, listening and supporting one another.

Without the program, Charu thinks she would have held herself back and likely spent the next two or three years on an endless cycle going forwards and backwards, unsure if she was ready to have her own practice, and she definitely wouldn’t have hired anyone else. Enhancing her understanding, both about the business and herself, Charu feels she can handle things in a better way.

Charu has learnt to save a lot of her energy by investing her clinician hours only working with her ideal clients, rather than anyone who came through the door. This has enhanced her fulfilment and happiness in her role. Her clients follow her advice and are seeing results, which is very rewarding for them and for Charu, as she knows with certainty, she is helping change their lives.

We can create a plan

Charu Mahajan

April Neff


My Therapies 

“I had a major life transition. During that time, I was moving from a solo practitioner to a group practice so I wanted additional support during that transition and I wanted to be successful at bringing on a new associate. I now have one associate, with another one due to start.”

– April Neff, Clinical Social Work/Therapist

April’s Story…

April has her own private practice in Kansas, USA, working as both a private clinician and social worker. She knew that having a strong background in marketing would set her apart from other clinicians and was keen to find a program that was easy to follow with clear steps.


It also needed to fit into her busy schedule. In joining Sian’s Accelerator program, April immediately saw results, securing three to five client calls a week. This led to April choosing to learn more from Sian.

April found the program to be laid out in an easy to follow format. One thing that surprised her most was the sense of community in a group of women that were all very different. Everybody involved worked in different fields, but they were all in a similar place, in terms of how they wanted to develop their practice. April was impressed that the program was not just an educational kind of experience; it was very much oriented to pushing each other forward and making sure that wherever you are, somebody else has some information that would help you.

Before joining, April was a little concerned that owing to her hectic schedule, she might not be able to be present for all of the weekly meetings. However, because it was after hours, it worked out for her. In making this financial and time investment, April wanted to ensure she had something worthwhile to show for it at the end. She describes the outcome as having had a major life transition. She was looking for additional support, as she transitioned from being a solo practitioner to leading a group practice. Viewing it as a big responsibility to take on other people’s livelihoods, April wanted to be successful at bringing on just one new associate. She achieved this and now has an additional associate due to join her team.

Completing Sian’s program has led to April meeting some really interesting people all over the United States who have remained both her business cheerleaders and friends. April is grateful to still have access to all of the program materials so she can return to them and implement new things, as her business continues growing. She has been sharing all the best marketing practice learnt through the program with her new associate, recognising that the step-by-step approach has been clear to follow, outlining a process for things like writing a doctor’s letter and putting branding together.

For anyone thinking about doing this program, April notes that you’re probably in the right headspace to get started. Her biggest takeaway has been that what seem like impossible dreams really can happen. Setting those goals and making them numerical, plus identifying the differences in what she had been doing, versus what she could and needed to be doing, helped April plan for her future. She was surprised to see how many things in her business could have a system applied to streamline them. April valued how much Sian truly understood the emotional and mindset space that each member was in too, addressing what everyone was going through in terms of what they needed to let go of to move forward as a business.

We can create a plan

Charu Mahajan

April Brown


The Heard Counselling

“I’ve gone from not knowing how to create my own practice, to successfully establishing my business and securing 10 ideal clients in only four months.  I now have confidence and appreciation for myself and feel more in control of my time and work -life balance.  I went from feeling exhausted working with any client, to now feeling fulfilled only working with my ideal clients and doing work I love.”

– April Brown, Marriage/Family Therapist

April’s Story…

April is a marriage and family therapist, mainly working with new mothers. She joined Sian’s program while in the process of coming back from maternity leave, motivated by wanting to create her own private practice.


April didn’t really know what to do, or where to start, then came across Sian’s Accelerator training, which she described as being amazing. Within just a week, April found so much value in what she had learnt from Sian that she knew going through a whole program would help her set up her business well, with a solid foundation.

Making the financial investment in the program was April’s only reservation before joining, based on her viewing herself as a real beginner, and not yet making the income she desired. However, she was so certain she would gain value from it that she knew it was the right decision. April worked with Sian to create a plan for how to get her investment back and quickly achieved this.

April had a general idea about how she was going to start her practice prior to the program, but in terms of marketing, she had no plan in place and reflected that had she not completed this training, there were so many things she would never have known needed to be done. She set out with a goal to secure 10 clients as her ideal maximum and successfully achieved this during her four months working with Sian and went on to create a waiting list of ideal clients. The program also gave April the confidence to only work with people matching her ideal client criteria. When receiving referrals for clients that are not aligned, April has referred them away, secure in the knowledge her time is important and she deserves to do work she loves, that feels fulfilling and doesn’t exhaust her. Referring clients to others has also created valuable relationships with fellow therapists.

For anyone considering whether they have the time to go through the program, April simultaneously built a practice from scratch, cared for her new baby and one-year-old, and completed the program successfully. She enjoyed her one hour call each week, as it felt like a social hour where she was connecting with others, as part of a supportive learning community, while gaining valuable knowledge to take her business forward.

Doing Sian’s program has had a huge impact on April’s family life too, as she now feels more in control of her time. For April, every moment away from her baby needed to be of value, moving her business forward. In addition, April now has more confidence and an appreciation for herself, outside of the role of being a mother. The program has brought more balance to her family life because she clearly plans her time and her goals. When making marketing decisions after this program, April feels like she still carries Sian’s guiding voice with her internally, making sure she’s investing her time well or encouraging her progress.

April enjoyed many things about the working with Sian but particularly, how comfortable Sian’s approach made her feel. Knowing that Sian personally understands what it takes to be a mother and a businesswoman, and that Sian gives women the tools needed to be able to do this effectively, made the program a worthwhile investment.  

We can create a plan

Charu Mahajan

Annie Beaudoin


West Ryde Physiotherapy

I gained control over my caseload so I could hire another physio to be able to take up some of that slack. I learnt how to be accountable as the boss the owner not just as a clinician, but to be the one that makes the decisions on the direction of the business. I no longer have to do my payroll on weekends and now have more time with my family.

– Annie Beaudoin, Physiotherapist

Annie’s Story…

With a physiotherapy practice based in Sydney, Annie specialises in women’s health and rehabilitation for women who have breast cancer. Before joining the program, the challenges Annie faced included: her practice’s rent increasing by 30%; the frustration of working late at night and on weekends to do payroll and HR admin, taking time away from her family; and needing to learn how to do marketing.


She also wanted to be able to hire another physio who could share Annie’s increasing workload. When it came to her patients, Annie had such a varied caseload that she was not free to focus on her ideal kind of clients in terms of the work she enjoys doing most.

Annie felt that she was not creating newsletters effectively and that the content of her communication with the patients needed improvement too. She wanted to streamline her communication processes and make her marketing look professional.

Investing in the program was a risk, given her huge increase in rent but Annie knew she needed support and trusted it would pay off for her to learn from Sian. Annie’s hope was that the program would help make her accountable to be a successful boss, not solely a clinician, and to be confidently making the right decisions for her practice to thrive.

Annie was delighted to have Sian’s guidance through the program, which opened her mind to the kind of future she could create for herself. With Sian’s support, Annie was able to clearly identify how she could work towards her dream goals, as opposed to being immersed in seeing patients back-to-back with no end in sight.

Since the program, Annie has successfully hired a physio who works full-time. This business development has reduced the amount of hours Annie is working by 70%, without impacting her income. In addition, Annie has won a Local Business Award and in doing so, this will make her practice even more attractive to future hires when the time comes to expand her practice further.

In terms of the program community, Annie resonated with being aligned with like-minded women in business who were also mothers. She recognises that male business owners and physios will have an alternative approach running their business to the way women work best. This is why coaching with Sian was so valuable, as Annie felt understood and learnt marketing in a relatable way that was directly connected with her personal experience.

We can create a plan

Charu Mahajan

Ben Hutton


Brightside Physio, Newcastle

“I hit my goals so fast that I then had to recalibrate my entire goal setting. It was about six weeks in that I hit 20 patients a week. Then it grew to be 40 patients in a week, within about three months – it just went really fast and I hit my goal of 12 months within three months, so I had to recalibrate my goals pretty substantially.”

– Ben Hutton, Brightside Physio

Ben’s Story…

Ben is a physiotherapist who runs a clinic called Brightside Physio in Newcastle, Australia. When he started his clinic, Ben was very aware of his own limitations and lack of knowledge, particularly in how to effectively communicate with people.


Ben researched a few different marketing options before finding Sian. In a conversation exchanged with Sian while Ben was on the way to pick up his children from school, he was struck by the synchronicity. Ben felt understood and that this was the right direction to take.


Ben hit all of his goals so quickly that he then had to recalibrate his entire goal setting. Originally, he wanted to be seeing 20 clients a week within three months. He achieved this in just 6 weeks working with Sian. It rapidly grew to being around 40 patients in a week, within about three months. Having reached his 12-month goal in only 3 months, he had to recalibrate his goal setting substantially. In growing so quickly, Ben has been adapting to making the necessary changes to accommodate so many more clients.

In only six months, Ben went from renting a room, to leasing a premises that had originally looked like a pipe dream. Close friends and family were a little skeptical about Ben starting a business in a pandemic, in a new city. During this time, Ben’s success soared so much that he has taken on a new, much larger space. With 40-50 people to look after each week, Ben has a beautiful new space, with two lovely treatment rooms and a really cute little gym space and a kitchen as his next step up. He’s already starting to think that maybe this clinic isn’t going to be big enough and that he might need an additional clinic in a second location. He’s found it mindboggling to see how quick the growth has been and how he can see the building blocks for how it will be sustainable, scalable and continue growing.

Ben has found it humbling to look at what is achievable and how much he needed to change the way that he viewed things that he held as limiting beliefs. Being honest about his strengths and areas for development has brought positive personal growt

For anyone considering joining the programme, Ben doesn’t have any hesitation in saying that it’s a good thing to do. For where he was at in his business, it was exactly what he needed. He is very thankful to Sian for making it so clear what he needed to do to succeed.

We can create a plan