

Chelsea Glover Jordan

“[The Abundant Referrals ™ program] has been very lucrative for my business. I’ve honed in on my niche. Finding out ways to market myself, I can appeal to my ideal client which has created such a robust pool of people who are attracted to me and my practice”

– Chelsea Glover Jordan, Psychotherapist, Maryland

Chelsea’s Story…

Working full-time for someone else, Chelsea dreamed that her psychotherapist business would grow so she could quit her job and work exclusively in her own practice. Despite her strong desire to help people, Chelsea couldn’t break past the 10-clients a week ceiling she had created for herself without help.


This all changed when she began the Abundant Referrals program™ with Sian. Her business mindset developed, and Chelsea managed to calm the chaos and focus on growth. In just three months, Chelsea was able to quit her job and create a practice which soon became lucrative, and her income tripled.

One of the challenges Chelsea faced was to overhaul her way of thinking, as she was new to being a private practice owner. Like many other Clinician’s, prior to opening her own business, she was working in an unfulfilling job that provided a steady income and paid the bills. This job did not bring her the joy she felt when working with patients. 

Chelsea knew she needed change, but wasn’t sure how to get to the next level. 

Finding Sian on Facebook, she participated in Sian’s Accelerator course, which led to a huge mindset shift for Chelsea. As a self-proclaimed introvert, she found some of the marketing strategies Sian suggested challenging, however, she knew they were necessary for growth.  

With her new mindset in place, Chelsea followed the advice from Sian and ‘put herself out there’. This armed her with the confidence she needed to quit her job and invest in herself and her business. As a result, people are now listening to what she has to say, trusting her with their money and their mental and emotional health.  

This is how Chelsea went from 10 clients per week to full books, plus a waiting list, in three months. Even more, using Sian’s methods she has taken on additional therapists who are now in high demand as well with their own waiting lists. Financially, her income tripled from when she started and she has more than repaid the course investment. 

Most of all, Abundant Referrals™ helped Chelsea to live her passion, with clients she enjoys. Chelsea is already looking to increase her financial goals. The $10,000 per month target she originally set has already been reached! Chelsea has taken the experiences from working with Sian to help her own staff grow their businesses and by drawing on what Chelsea describes as lifelong lessons, business and personal enhancements, everyone in the team wins. 

We can create a plan