

Lyndsey Townsend

If you only followed one thing from the Program your business would change. And it’s a Program that you don’t need to dedicate a huge amount of time to per week. I made those changes on 2 hours a week.”

– Lyndsey Townsend, Physiotherapist, Brisbane, Australia

Lyndsey’s Story…

Lyndsey’s 10th year anniversary sparked the realisation that she had not followed through on her desire to grow the Practice, so she joined Sian’s Mastermind Program to help her expand.


Lyndsey’s life was full – she was doing her Master’s degree, running her business and raising two children with her husband, so she could only devote two hours a week to the Program. During the 9 months she worked with the Mastermind Program, Lyndsey’s revenue jumped by 20%, despite government regulated shut downs to curb the spread of COVID.

When Lyndsey first joined the Program, she had just taken on two new staff members. However their books were not filled. Lyndsey found that online bookings were particularly difficult for one of the new staff members. People seemed to ‘skip’ him and choose a different therapist. Using Sian’s Program, Lyndsey worked with the new staff member to identify his ‘ideal client’ and then focused on determining how to reach the right people, and build the right relationships to fill his books. Over a period of four months, his client numbers had doubled and he was happy to be working with clients he enjoyed. Lyndsey found that he was motivated to see these clients as they matched his area of interest, so his patient-visit average improved overall. 

Concurrently, Lyndsey worked on attracting more clients into the practice with her other therapists. Overall, the Practice more than doubled their clients, and that was on a traditionally ‘quiet’ month. 

At this stage, space became an issue as treatment rooms became fully booked and it coincided that commercial space became available on the floor below their practice. Because their client numbers had changed so much within a short period of time, Lyndsey had the confidence to lease the extra space with the full support of her husband, who could see that financially, the space would pay for itself. 

Within 9 months, Lyndsey’s dream of expansion had taken place and she was only $3,000 off her 12 month financial target. She is now planning to expand the range of services her clinic offers.  

We can create a plan