

Yarra Ranges Physiotherapy

“Before the program, my business was doing okay, it wasn’t like it was terrible, but it was just kind of plodding along. There was nothing new happening and I could tell that we were kind of losing that spark. Working with Sian was awesome and I got a clear vision of what my clinic needs to be and where I want my clinic to go. 

I felt like everything Sian was talking about resonated with me. The fact that she’s a woman in business with young kids, and that she knew where I was coming from, and what I’m trying to juggle.”

– Maddison Findlay, Physiotherapist

Maddison’s Story…

Maddison was drawn to working with Sian because in their first interaction, Maddison resonated with everything Sian was saying. The fact that Sian is a successful woman in business with young kids gave Maddison confidence that Sian would know exactly where Maddison was coming from, the kind of demands mums are trying to juggle daily, and that Sian fully understands Maddison’s niche.


Maddison found the program to be easy to work around all of her other commitments. Everything the program covered was both relevant and easy to implement. Maddison never felt like Sian was pushing her to do too much. Instead, Sian was sensitive to Maddison’s needs and regularly checking in to ask Maddison how much she could manage each week and encouraging Maddison to take it at her own pace.

In the 15 weeks that Maddison worked with Sian, Maddison’s business has significantly grown. Her personal revenue almost doubled and the clinic’s revenue increased by around 80% in just one month. Sian taught Maddison that it’s not about doubling the size of your clinic; it’s about you making more money.

For anyone thinking of joining the program, Maddison can’t recommend it enough. In fact, she urges people to sign up right now! Maddison admits that she was a little hesitant to start because she wasn’t sure she would have the time to commit to it or if she could afford it but everything worked out so well and she is so glad that she did it. Even with the stresses of COVID, having her children at home instead of at school, on top of a number of other daily responsibilities to deal with, Maddison found the program elements far easier to implement than she had anticipated they would be before joining.

Maddison’s favourite thing about working with Sian was that she regained confidence in herself. Since becoming a mum, Maddison had put her business on the back burner to ensure her children were her main priority. The program gave Maddison the boost she needed to ignite her business drive again, and the self-belief that she could actually do this with two kids. Maddison realised she could be a great businesswoman and was able to create a clear vision of what her clinic could be and where she wants to take it to. Before the program, Maddison was doing okay but felt she was just plodding along; nothing new was happening and she felt she was losing her spark. Sian changed Maddison’s future, giving Maddison the drive she needed to take her business to the next level.

We can create a plan