
Work with Sian

You’re here because you know it’s time to grow your practice in a way that aligns with your feminine values, honours your family commitments and makes you feel excited to actually get out there and implement.

For far too long, we’ve been told there’s ONE way to be ‘successful’.  And that one way is the masculine way: endless hours, never seeing your family, always feeling like you’re in a battle with other practices for clients, analysing the numbers until our brains hurt, and following those prescribed marketing methods.
(hint: the prescriptions have all been written by men).

Utter nonsense!

  • I know you’re able to grow your practice – exponentially – in just a couple of hours a week.
  • I know you can free up some time to spend with your family or doing other things you love.
  • I know, because the hundreds of women who have worked with me have proven it.

“I had been trying to grow my practice to the point where buying an amazing clinic space over the road made sense, butit always felt like one step forward, one step back. Within 6 months of working with Sian, we had doubled the number ofnew clients coming into the clinic and the practice’s revenue and profits had grown by 50%. We moved into the spaceover the road, and I couldn’t be happier with what we’ve achieved. I can’t recommend working with Sian enough.”

Lyndsey Townsend

Check out the program deets below to see which is the right fit for you and your practice right now. 




I have an established practice and I want to work with Sian to fill my team to capacity and create systems in my business so I can get my life back.

Find out more about Success Without Sacrifice™


My practice is very successful on paper, I’m working way more than I want to be though and I want to continue growing just with more ease. How can I scale from $1m+ to $2m+ and get my life back?